Tank Barge Safe Operations Training Curriculum
This 10-course hazard awareness bundle was developed to provide personnel working aboard or working with liquid cargo tank barges the necessary training as required by regulations and best practices.
Training requirements and safe work and procedural practices are emphasized to support a well trained workforce in the liquid cargo arena. Regulatory titles covered include 46 CFR, 33 CFR, 29 CFR, Subchapter M and the AWO Responsible Carrier Program. Tankerman, tankerman trainees and facility dock personnel will benefit from this comprehensive training curriculum.
- Barge Cargo Vapor Control
- Benzene Cargo Safety
- Breathing Air “Bottle Watch” Emergency Standby Person Training
- Declaration of Inspection (DOI): The First Step in Spill Prevention
- Hazard Communications for Tank Barge Operations
- Hydrogen Sulfide Safety (H2S) for Maritime Industry Personnel
- Marine Spill Prevention and Response
- Step Back for Safety: Fire Extinguisher
- Step Back for Safety: Respiratory Protection