Person-In-Charge of Fuel Transfers - 33 CFR 155 & 156
Effective May 27, 2020, the U. S. Coast Guard established the option of using a letter of designation (LOD) for inspected vessels. The LOD designates the holder as a person-in-charge (PIC) of the transfer of fuel oil and states that the holder has received sufficient formal instruction from the operator or agent of the vessel to ensure his or her ability to safely and adequately carry out the duties and responsibilities of the PIC.
This course was designed to help maritime crewmembers, designated as a qualified person-in-charge of fuel oil transfers for inspected vessels, meet that training requirement. Through this program, mariners gain knowledge of the regulatory requirements for fuel transfers and the duties of the PIC. They will learn the importance of a thorough pre-transfer conference and completion of the Declaration of Inspection, understand best practices when transferring fuel, and be able to recognize the potential risks involved in fuel transfers and the PICs role in preventing an environmental incident. Length: 15 minutes
Sku: MOX-IW-PersonInChargeFuel-CFR_33_155&156