Rigging Safety
We have all heard the phrase: "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link". When it comes to crane operations, rigging can often be that "weak link". How a load is attached to a crane can make the difference between a successful lift and an unfortunate accident.
Rigging-related accidents can often be deadly, due to the large and heavy loads that are lifted. Once a load or a crane itself falls not much can be done to stop it, and there is little time for people to move safely out of the way. OSHA has become so concerned about crane and rigging accidents that they have revised their crane safety regulations… for the first time in almost 40 years!
"Rigging Safety" points out to employees that over 90% of rigging-related accidents are caused by human error... and that they are the key to preventing these incidents. Length: 21 minutes
Topics Include:
- Recent Changes in the OSHA Crane Safety Regulations
- “Qualified/Competent” Riggers and Signalers
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Equipment Inspection
- Slings and Hitches
- Hand Signals and Load Angles
- Working Around Power Lines...and more
Sku: MG-SafRigPrac