Security Training for Maritime Facility Personnel with Security Duties
ThisåÊ training program, is designed to be viewed as an addition or second section, to Moxie Media's Security Awareness for Maritime Facilities, Plants and Shippers of Hazardous Materials. All personnel with security duties or responsibilities are required to undergo additional security training consistent with the requirements in 33CFR 105.210 for maritime facilities.
This video, with accompanying written Facilitator Guide with test questions, is ideal for training all current and future employees that are required to perform security duties while on the job. Topics covered include screening procedures; facility inspection, control and monitoring; security related communications; crowd management, and all other required topics included in the regulations. Filmed on location at barge fleets, ship docks and maritime facilities, this program will benefit all facility personnel in the maritime industry by offering a straightforward and easy to understand explanation of the new maritime security requirements. Length: 32 minutes
Sku: MOX-SEC-SecurityTraining