Marine Confined Space: Hazard Awareness Training for Maritime Personnel

  • $24.95

Entering a confined space can lead to accidents and death due to asphyxiation from low oxygen, toxic atmospheres, and other physical hazards. These are some of the greatest threats to life faced by maritime personnel and crewmembers. Often, a confined space entry accident can lead to multiple fatalities, as crewmates instinctively attempt to rescue a fallen crewmember and become victims themselves.

Victims of asphyxiation in confined spaces, deficient in oxygen, will normally receive no warning that anything is wrong, or have the ability to quickly escape. A zero tolerance policy for unplanned and unprepared entry into any hazardous enclosed or confined space requires rigorous controls and training for all personnel on board and ashore. Length: 21 minutes

Topics Include:

  • Elements that determine what is a confined space
  • Atmospheric and physical hazards which can be found in maritime enclosed and confined spaces
  • Oxygen deficient and toxic atmospheres related to confined space hazard practices.
  • "Safe for Workers" and "Safe for Hot Work" Requirements

Sku: MOX-MAR-ConfinedSp-HazAware