DOT HAZMAT General Awareness
Created specifically for the Department of Transportation's HAZMAT regulation on Handling and Transporting Hazardous Materials, these products provide the information necessary to comply with the regulation's "General Awareness" training requirement.
"DOT HAZMAT General Awareness" focuses on employees who handle and transport hazardous materials. This program reviews a number of topics aimed at making these employees more aware of situations in which they may encounter hazardous chemicals, the nature of the hazards these materials present and how to safely handle hazardous materials. Length: 17 minutes
Topics Include:
- The Purpose of DOT Hazardous Materials Regulations in 49 CFR 172.700
- The Definition of "Hazardous Materials"
- Required Employee Training
- Shipping Papers
- 24-hour Emergency Response Telephone Numbers
- "Hazard Class" Labels and Placards
- Other Labels that may Indicate Materials are Hazardous
- Proper Packaging and Packaging Materials
- Handling Hazardous Materials
- The Hazardous Materials Table...and more
Sku: MG-DOTHazMatGenlAwareTrng