Asbestos Awareness
For more than a century, asbestos has been used in industries all over the world. It was praised as a highly versatile product, ideal for use in commercial construction, shipyards, and many other industries.
Initially, asbestos seemed like a nearly-perfect manufacturing product. However, we now know that it is also highly toxic. Prolonged exposure is known to cause Mesothelioma cancer, Asbestosis, and other life-threatening illnesses.
Victims of asbestos-related diseases often do not exhibit any symptoms until decades after being exposed. Current medical data shows that approximately 200,000 people have died, or are terminally ill, from exposure on the job in the United States. And despite the dangers that asbestos presents, it is still a health hazard for millions of people who work in construction or perform housekeeping operations on the job.
This program will cover critically important information that can help you recognize areas that may contain asbestos and avoid exposure on the job.
- Properties of Asbestos
- Health Hazards
- Fiber Release Response
- ACM and PACM
Sku: MOX-GEN-AsbestosAware