Declaration of Inspection (DOI) - The First Step in Spill Prevention
U.S. Coast Guard regulations require that a Person in Charge is present on the transferring vessel or facility, such as a tank barge, as well as the receiving vessel or facility, such as a marine terminal.
This training program focuses on pre-arrival and pre-transfer inspections, the completion of the Declaration of Inspection, the importance of meaningful pre-transfer conferences between PICs, and other important responsibilities of both the facility and vessel Person in Charge. Length: 23 minutes
Topics:Barge Equipment Discrepancies in Advance of Transfer
Regulatory Requirements of the DOI
Pre-transfer Inspection
Pre-transfer Conference
Potential Hazards During the Cargo Transfer
Vapor Control Requirements
This training program focuses on pre-arrival and pre-transfer inspections, the completion of the Declaration of Inspection, the importance of meaningful pre-transfer conferences between PICs, and other important responsibilities of both the facility and vessel Person in Charge. Length: 23 minutes