Drug & Alcohol Awareness for Oilfield Employees & Supervisors
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Employees who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol increase the chance of an accident or incident and jeopardize the health and safety of workers, the public and the environment.
Oil and gas operators, drilling and well-servicing contractors, and many other companies that services the industry are committed to having a drug and alcohol prevention and detection policy in place for their employees. In addition, drug and alcohol polices and testing requirements, in some segments of the industry, are mandated by governmental regulations.
All oilfield workers are required to participate in alcohol and drug testing, education and awareness programs. This program educates employees and supervisors about the policies on drug and alcohol use in the oilfield industry and the steps they can take to protect themselves and others. Length: 32 minutes
Topics Include:
- Drug and Alcohol Policies and Screening Requirements
- Harmful Effects of Drugs and Alcohol
- Recognizing and Reporting Drug and Alcohol Use
- Introduction to DOT Regulations and Compliance
Sku: MOX-LBD-Oilfield_Drug&Alc