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Rigging Training for Riggers, Crane Operators, and Inspectors Series
Putting Slings to Work: Hitch, Capacity, & Hardware Selection
Safe Rigging Practices and Procedures for the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry
Safe Swing Rope and Personnel Basket Transfers for Offshore Oil Personnel
Rigging Gear & Inspection Criteria
Orientation and Safety for the Offshore Oil Industry
Operation, Maintenance and Safety of Hydraulic Lattice Boom Marine Cranes
Operation, Maintenance and Safety of Hydraulic Box Boom Marine Cranes
Introduction to Hydraulic Lattice Boom Marine Cranes
Introduction to Hydraulic Box Boom Marine Cranes
Drums, Blocks, Sheaves and Wire Rope Terminations: Installation, Usage, & Inspection
Basic Rigging Concepts
Life Raft Operation and Survival Practices
Emergency Platform, Rig and Vessel Abandonment