Charlie Morecraft Toolbox Safety Series: Back Safety
Streaming Videos DO NOT include a record of completion/certificate.
Videos expire 48 hours from the time of purchase.

"Owww, my aching back!” If that’s a line you’ve heard at work, it's time to build awareness of back safety and ergonomics.
This program will show your crew the techniques Charlie uses to save wear and tear on his back, while helping them to understand why these methods will work for them as well.
This training describes how the back functions and why it is important to avoid bad postures, using faulty methods when lifting, or even being hunched over the computer for long periods of time.
This video also demonstrates “back friendly” methods for lifting, bending, or reaching for an item on an elevated shelf.
Once workers know more about the back, they will be ready to take care of it through means such as exercise, stretching and working in “neutral postures.” Length: 17 minutes
Let Charlie remind workers that safe lifting, pushing and pulling is their responsibility.
Sku: MOX-TB-BackSafety