Basic Rigging Concepts
Due to the hazards that employees face on a daily basis, working in the oil and gas industry requires a commitment to safe work practices. Their work, which often involves high pressures, extreme temperatures, and complex equipment, leaves little margin for error.
The nature of the energy industry requires moving equipment, tools, supplies, and even personnel to and from isolated locations. Usually there are no roads leading to a loading dock where you work.
A great deal of this responsibility lies with the crane operator and the assisting riggers. It is their job to safely and efficiently utilize the lifting machinery and rigging gear available to them in order to support all ongoing operations. Cranes, rigging, and the personnel who harness and control their power are some of the most essential players on the energy exploration and production team.
This training sets the stage for the rigger by answering the most important job-related questions.
Topics Include:
- Safe rigging operations
- Ensuring a load is ready to lift
- Hand signals and communication
Languages Available:
- Arabic
- English
- French
- Portuguese
- Spanish
Sku: MOX-OFF-BasRigConRigTr1