Safety Orientation for Drilling and Oilfield Employees
As oilfield companies strive for a 0% accident rate, many of their employees are participating in safety training programs. All scenarios and instruction within this program have been captured with actual oilfield workers on working drilling and production job sites.
This extensive, industry-specific training, combined with on-the-job instruction and assessment, will provide a solid foundation to reach this obtainable effort. Length: 42 minutes
Topics Include:
- Introduction - Company Policies
- Company Introduction to Personal Safe Work Practices and Policies
- Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Specialized Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Hazard Awareness - How to Keep your BodyParts!
- Hazard Awareness Safe Work Policies
- Hazardous Materials - Communication and Drills
- Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Sku: MOX-LBD-SafetyOrient