The Dangers of Cell Phone Use While Driving: Developing Safe Practices & Corporate Guidelines
What Will This Program Do For Me?
This program will help guide you in developing a policy on cell phone use while driving that can save your company literally millions in liability, while saving lives. A sample policy to adopt or modify for your company’s use is included.
After viewing this program, you will be informed with the best scientific evidence on the hazards of cell phones, you will understand why cell phones are uniquely distracting for drivers, and you will be prepared to take action through a sound company policy.
You treat clients a lot better when you are focused on them, without distraction. Tell the staff its time they got off the road and gave the customer their full attention.
What Will This Program Do For My Employees?
This program is all the training employees need to understand the new policy and the reasons behind its implementation. A certificate of completion is included to present to employees completing the program.
Employees viewing the program will know how to be more productive while following a policy that protects them, the public, and the company – and saves lives.
- The Dangers of Cell Phone Use
- Research
- Legislation and Litigation
- Employer Policies
Sku: MOX-DangersCellPhone
DVD: DVDs are sold for use in one location/device at a time. DVDs are copy-protected and may not be broadcasted, copied, or placed on a learning management system or server.
eLearning Pay-Per-View: This online, interactive-course option is delivered via Moxie’s LMS and includes video, interactive exercises, test and certificate with full tracking of completion and test scores.
48-Hour Streaming: Full screen HD streaming video is available for rental for 48 hours. The video streams from Moxie’s server and may be streamed as many times and from as many locations as you wish during the rental period.
USB Flash Drive: USB Flash Drives are licensed for use in one location/device at a time. Our USBs are copy and password protected and may not be broadcasted, copied, or placed on a learning management system or server.
Contact us to license this program as an interactive eLearning course on your company’s Learning Management System. It includes interactive exercises, student manual, glossary, scored test and completion certificate. Submit your inquiry now.